A young girl sits in her home in India and holds her younger sister.

three honourable mentions

I am very happy to announce that three of my photos have been given Honourable Mentions in The Artist Gallery ´Travel Photo Awards'. The Indian girl holding a ball and a baby was taken years ago at the Dhoti Ghat in Delhi. I used a very basic old digital camera (something like 2 mega-pixels) so it just shows you don't need fancy equipment to make a good photo. The light was perfect and I loved the juxtaposition of the girl's spotless clothes against the well worn background.

The two kids gaming was taken in Manilla, Philippines. They had just finished school and were enjoying the arcade on their way home.

The Venice sunrise was taken recently from the Academia Bridge under the direction of master photographer Chris Upton. I can't take much credit for this as he told me where to stand and when to press the button. I will take credit for getting out of bed at 5.30 am. That alone should get me some kind of award.

Travel photographer Gary Williams.


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